Want an Attractive Driveway? Try this Block Paving Dye!
Thomas Greaves
Block Paving Dye Is your driveway a bit dull, dark or outdated? We have an answer for that. The block paving dye comes in multiple colours - Brindle, Buff, Charcoal and Red. Designed to enhance coloured concrete and block paving protecting it from water penetration, oil & grease spillages as well...
Fast Acting Decking Cleaner Anyone?
Thomas Greaves
This Decking Cleaner is proven successful This decking cleaner is a highly powerful, effective and prosperous product with high hopes of achieving that flawless performance you want. Decking Cleaners are specifically used to essentially restore your wood back to its original appearance. As well as other decking products, it works on...
Preparing Your Patio For Spring? 🌼
Thomas Greaves
Spring is weeks away from arriving, so get your patio ready! During spring time, we tend to see a lot of people relaxing outside on their patios talking away to their friends and families. Living the patio life isn't only fun, it also gives you that nice moment when you...
Do You Have Any Paving / Patio Slabs Needing Some Work?
Thomas Greaves
The Patio Slab Sealer is here! You're here right now because you feel like your patio slabs need some work and we're on board to help you with that. Patioseal is a unique product designed to ace out your paving slabs by various different things that will be discussed during this...